And then the screen is turned on again and it started....

[A crow appears on her parents grave stone.]

Elena: Okay. Hi, bird. That's not creepy or anything. Shoo!

[The bird flies off.]

People looked creeped out seeing the crow and the scene it looked like a Horror movie. Whereas Damon was smirking and Stefan was looking at at the crow on screen and then at Damon suspiciously..

Elena: That's what I thought.

[The crow reappears and fog starts to ascend around the cemetery. A man is standing behind a tomb. Elena starts to run.]

Elena: Ahh!

[Elena trips and falls. She gets up and sees Stefan.]

Stefan: You okay?

Elena: Were you following me?

Stefan: No, I-a, uh, I-a just - I saw you fall.

Elena: Uh-huh, and you just happened to be hanging out in a cemetery.

Stefan: I'm visiting. I have family here.

Elena: Oh. Wow. Tactless. I'm sorry. It's the fog, It's making me foggy. And then back there, there was this - this bird, and it was all very Hitchcock for a second. That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?...I'm Elena.

Stefan: I'm Stefan.Elena: I know. We have History together.

Stefan: And English and French.

Elena: Right.

[Stefan pulls a leaf out of Elena's hair.]

Elena: Thanks...Nice ring.

Stefan: Oh. Um, It's a family ring, yeah. I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird, huh?

Elena: No, no. It's just, I mean, there are rings and then there's that.

Stefan: Did you hurt yourself?

Elena: Hmm?

Stefan: Did you hurt yourself?

Elena: Oh, uh, I don't know.

People give the two weird looks and they blushed simultaenously.

Elena: Oh, uh, I don't know.

[Elena pulls up her pant leg and sees a cut gushing blood.]

Elena: Oh! Would you look at that. That is not pretty.

[Stefan turns around and his face changes].

Everyone blinked and all eyes turned towards Stefan in shock and fear.

Elena: Are you okay?

[Stefan's eyes start to change]

Stefan: You should go. Take care of that.

Elena: Really, it's nothing.

[She turns around but Stefan has disappeared.]

Salvatore Boarding House

[Stefan is writing in his diary.]

Stefan: I lost control today. I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface. I'm simply not able to resist her.

Katherine looked at Stefan and Elena and continued to roll her eyes.

Mystic Grill

Jeremy: Hey Vick.

Vicki: Working.

[She arrives at Matt and Tyler's table.]

Matt: Thanks, Vick.

Vicki: Do you need another refill?

Tyler: I'd love one.

[Vicki leaves the table.]

Matt: Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.

Tyler: I'm not hooking up with your sister.

Matt glares at Tyler and Vicki.

Richard Lockwood gave a Tyler a disappointed glare.

Matt: You're such a dick.

[Jeremy catches up to Vicki.]

Jeremy: Hey, what's your deal? I mean, summer you act one way and then school starts and you can't be bothered.

Vicki: Look, Jeremy, I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals, but you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.

Jeremy looks down at that and Elena glared at Vicki along with John.

"Excuse me?" asked Miranda in a sharp tone and Vicki gulped looking away seeing everyone's expressions.

Jeremy: When's the last time you had sex with a puppy?

Vicki: Hey, keep it down. I don't want to tell the whole world I deflowered Elena's kid brother.

Jeremy: Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered.

"WHAT??" Elena and Matt shouted together glaring at their siblings, whereas the adults look furious and the others just look uncomfortable.

"I need to have a talk with Kelly..." Miranda seethed casting a disapproving look at her son and a glare towards Vicky.

Vicki: We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over. You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler.

Jeremy: Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche. He only wants you for your ass.

Vicki: Yeah? What do you want me for?

The adults shake their heads disappointed in the teens...

The Vampires simply sigh and roll their eyes heavenwards.

[Caroline and Bonnie enter.]

Caroline: His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore Boarding House. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family, so they moved around a lot. He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue.

Bonnie: You got all of that in one day

Caroline: Oh, please, I got all that between third and fourth period. We're planning a June wedding.

Amused looks were thrown towards Caroline making her blush and Stefan blinked looking amused and a little creeped out while the other vampires in the room chuckled...

"Caroline..." Liz sighed rubbing her templates trying not to look amused.

Gilbert Residence

Elena: I'm meeting

Bonnie at the grill.

Jenna: Okay, have fun. Wait, I got this. Don't stay out late, it's a school night.

Elena: Well done, Aunt Jenna.

Elena and Jenna smile at each other.

[She opens the door.]

Elena: Oh.

Stefan: Sorry, I was about to knock. I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier. I know it was...strange.

Elena: No worries. I get it, blood makes you squeamish.

Stefan: Um, something like that. How's your leg?

Elena: Oh, it's fine. Just a scratch, barely. How did you know where I lived?

Stefan: It's a small town. I asked the first person I saw. Um, I thought you might want this back.

[He hands her her diary.]

Elena: Oh, I must have dropped it. I--thank you.

Stefan: Don't worry, I didn't...read it.

Elena: No? Why not? Most people would have.

Stefan: Well, I wouldn't want anyone to read mine.

Elena: You keep a journal?

Stefan: Yeah, if I don't write it down, I forget it. Memories are too important.

Elena: Yeah. I'm just gonna...umm, you don't have to stay out there.

[He tries to go in but he can't.]

Stefan: I'm fine. Sorry, were you going somewhere?

Stefan: I'm fine. Sorry, were you going somewhere?

Elena: Yeah, I'm meeting a friend. Do you want to come?

" Oh, trying to be sneaky Stef, not like you stalked her or anything, right?" snarks Damon.

" Shut up Damon " snaps Stefan.

Mystic Grill

Matt: How's Elena doing?

Bonnie: Her mom and dad died. How do you think? She's putting on a good face, but it's only been four months.

Matt: Has she said anything about me?

Bonnie: Oh, no. So not getting in the middle. You pick up the phone and call her.

Matt: I feel weird calling her. She broke up with me.

Bonnie: Give it more time, Matt.

[Elena enters with Stefan.]

Matt: More time, huh?

Elena looks over at matt and mouths sorry And matt mouths back its ok I am over it now.

Elena gives Matt a sad and pleading look but he just ignores it and looks away, focusing on the screen.

Whereas the Original family was getting bored and Rebekah was continuously whining " Why do we have to watch the doppelganger? Haven't dealt with enough of them all these years, God I hate them all.."

Kol was seen looking irritated and bored along with Klaus while Freya and Finn were busy conversing in between, and it was only Elijah and Alexander focusing on the screen.

[He walks over to Elena and Stefan.]

Matt: Hey, I'm Matt, nice to meet you.

Stefan: Hi. Stefan.

Elena: Hey.

Matt: Hey.

Caroline: So, you were born in Mystic

Falls? Stefan: Mm-Hmm. And moved when I

was still young.

Bonnie: Parents?

Stefan: My parents passed away.

Elena: I'm sorry. Any siblings?

Stefan: None that I talk to. I live with my uncle.

Caroline: So, Stefan, if you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow.

Bonnie: It's a back to school thing at the falls.

Stefan (to Elena): Are you going?

Bonnie: Of course she is

Salvatore Boarding House

Zach: You promised.

[Zach shows Stefan the newspaper article.]

Stefan: This was an animal attack.Zach: Don't give me that. I know the game. You tear them up enough, they always suspect an animal attack. You said you had it under control.

Stefan: And I do.

Zach: Please, Uncle Stefan. Mystic Falls is a different place now. It's been quiet for years, but there are people who still remember. And you being here, it's just going to stir things up.

" UNCLE Stefan? " The teens shouted.

" Yeah, Stefan and Damon are my uncle's, Ancestors " Zach replied.

" How old are you both? " Asked Elena.

" Stefan is 161 years old and I am 170 years old " replied Damon with a smirk while fisting his hands and controlling his emotions.

In return they got wide eyed, shocked looks.

"We are a Thousand Years old, Sweetheart. We are the Original Vampires" drawled Rebekah and everyone's mouth fell open at that much to the amusement of the Original Family.

Stefan: It's not my intention.

Zach: Then what is? Why did you come back? After all this time, why now?

Stefan: I don't have to explain myself.

Stefan: I don't have to explain myself.

Zach: I know that you can't change what you are. But you don't belong here anymore.

Stefan: Where do I belong?

Zach: I can't tell you what to do. But coming back here was a mistake.

[Opens a door. Pulls out a journal with what looks to be a really old picture of Elena. The writing under the picture says Katherine 1864]

Zach and Stefan look at each other but Stefan looks away, while Katherine is seen looking at Stefan.

Damon is frozen and he looks at Katherine with an unreadable look and Elena keeps glancing between Stefan and Katherine with an unreadable look.

Mystic Falls High School

[In history class.]

Tanner: The Battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms. Bennett?

Bonnie: Um...a lot? I'm not sure. Like a whole lot.

Tanner: Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett. Mr. Donovan? Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?

Matt: It's okay, Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it.

Tanner: Hmm. Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events?

Elena: I'm sorry, I--I don't know.

Tanner: I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break.

"Excuse me?" shouts Miranda outraged.

Stefan: There were 346 casualties. Unless you're counting local civilians.

Tanner: That's correct. Mister...?

Stefan: Salvatore.

Tanner: Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls? Stefan: Distant.

Tanner: Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle.

Stefan: Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts, Mr. Tanner.

Tanner: Hmm.

Kol looks at the teens and deadpanned "your teacher is a douche bag."

The teenagers nod and give a look at the adults, as if saying 'look what we have to deal with everyday.'

While all this is going on Alaric is thinking about what is he doing here and continuously glaring at Damon which did not go unnoticed by some in the room.


[Stefan arrives at the party and is listening for Elena.]

Bonnie: Just admit it, Elena.

Elena: Oh, okay, so he's a little pretty.

Bonnie: He has that romance novel stare.

[Caroline walks up to Stefan.]

Caroline: Hey! You made it!

Stefan: I did.

Caroline: Well, let's get you a drink.

Stefan: Well, I'm-

Caroline: Oh, come on.

[Bonnie and Elena are still talking.]

Bonnie: So where is he?

Elena: I don't know. You tell me, you're the psychic one.

Bonnie: Right, I forgot. Okay, so give me a sec. Grams says I have to concentrate.

Elena: Wait, you need a crystal ball.

The witches in the room along with Kol, Freya and Alexander look offended.

[She gives her a bottle. Bonnie takes it and touches Elena's hand. Bonnie spaces out for a while, comes back to her senses, and abruptly pulls her hand back.]

Elena: What?

Bonnie: That was weird. When I touched you, I saw a crow.

Elena: What?

Bonnie: A crow. There was fog, a man.

I'm drunk. It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it. Yeah? Ok, I'm gonna get a refill.

Shocked looks are given to Bonnie, who looks shocked herself and turns towards her grams. Sheila is seen sharing looks with the other witches. Abby and Rudy also look at Bonnie concerned.

[Bonnie leaves Elena alone.]

Elena: Okay? Bonnie!

[She turns around Stefan is behind her.]

Stefan: Hi.

Elena: Hi.

Stefan: I did it again, didn't it?

Elena: Yeah.

Stefan: I'm sorry. You're upset about something.

Elena: Oh, uh, no, it's- it's just Bonnie. She's... You know what? Never mind. You're...here.

Stefan: I'm here.

[Bridge near the party.]

Elena: You know, you're kind of the talk of the town.

Stefan: Am I?

Elena: Mmm hmm. Mysterious new guy, oh, yeah.

Stefan: Well, you have the mysterious thing going, too. Twinged in sadness.

Elena: What makes you think that I'm sad?

Stefan: Well, we did meet in a graveyard.

Elena: Right. Well, no, technically we met in the men's room. You don't want to know, it's....it's not exactly party chit-chat.

Stefan: Well, I've never really been very good at, uh, chit-chat.

Elena: Last spring.. my parents' car drove off of a bridge into the lake. And I was in the backseat and I survived, but...they didn't. So that's my story.

Elena and Jeremy once again burst out crying, while their family and friends comfort them.

Sad and pitying looks are given to the Gilbert Family.

Stefan: You won't be sad forever, Elena.

Elena smiles at Stefan for that , who hesitantly smiled back.

Rebekah is seen glaring at Elena while looking at Stefan longingly knowing he won't remember her and their time in the 90s because Klaus compelled him and then turns to glare at Klaus as well, who innocently smiles up at her.

[ Bonnie is seen calling someone]

Unknown : Hello.. { A sweet voice is heard}

Bonnie : Hey Arabella.. How are you?

Arabella: Hello Bonnie. I am fine, How are you?

Bonnie : I am good. Do you know where Grace is? I can't reach her.

Arabella : Ohh, Actually she is with Ophelia and they aren't with me and Selena at the moment.

Bonnie : Ohh okay, Thanks. Well when are you all coming back? Mystic Falls misses their ' Fearsome Four!! '

Arabella : [ Chuckles Softly ] {It sounded like wind chimes} Very soon bon-bon, don't worry...

Bonnie : [ Also chuckled saying ] yeah sure, so see you soon.

Arabella : Yupp!! Bye.

The screen turns black.

Bonnie and Caroline share excited looks.

Whereas everyone from Mystic Falls smiles except Elena who looked annoyed, even Zach smiled which confused the Salvatore brothers.

The Originals, Katherine, Anna and Alaric were looking confused as well to who are the ' THE FEARSOME FOUR?'..

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Mahek Motwani

Hello fellow story enthusiasts! Join me on this literary adventure because your curiosity is the key to unlock the magic within my stories, and together, let's traverse the realms of emotions, dreams, and untold wonders. Thank you for considering my books, I can't wait for you to dive into the realms I've crafted. Happy reading!