Stefan : I shouldn't have come home. I know the risk but i have no choice. I have to know her.
[ Then he's seen jumping down ]
Stefan and Damon glance at each other and then at Katherine and Elena. Katherine is also seen observing Stefan and Elena with a look of disdain.
Gilbert Residence is shown on the screen.
[Elena is shown writing in her diary]
Elena : Dear diary today will be different. It has to be. I will smile and it will be believable. My smile will say " I'm fine, Thankyou " yes.
People turn to Elena in concern while she herself looked confused.
"Elena..?" asked Grayson.
" I don't know dad" she replied.
[In the Gilbert Kitchen]
Jenna : Toast, I can make toast.
The Gilbert's and Jenna shared a look of confusion.
" Why are you in the kitchen Jenna and why would you be making breakfast?" questioned Miranda
" How would I know Miranda " replied Jenna.
Elena : it's all about coffee aunt Jenna.
Jeremy : Is there coffee?
Jenna : Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?
Elena : Don't you have a big presentation today?
Jenna : I am meeting with my Thesis advisor... Now crap!!
Elena : Then go. We will be fine. [Turns to Jeremy] Are you Okay?
Jeremy : Don't start.
" Jeremy Gilbert , This not a way to talk to your sister." Miranda spoke in a stern voice.
" I am sorry " said Jeremy.
Missing persons report is shown on the TV behind Elena..
Bonnie's car is shown
Bonnie: Oh! So Grams is telling me I am psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, Witches and all that i know crazy but she is going on and on about it, and I am like put this women in a home already..! But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little islands... ELENA!! Back in the car..
Bonnie frowns and turns to look at Sheila seeing her looking at Monica, Sharad and Evelyn in panic and raised a brow.
Abby also looks at Bonnie with her eyes widened and Rudy simply sighed keeping his head in his hands.
Elena : I did it again, Didn't I? I - I am sorry Bonnie. You were telling me about..
Bonnie : That I'm psychic Now..
Elena : Right. Okay then predict something about me.
Bonnie : I see...
[Suddenly a crow hits their Car]
People jump at that startled.
Bonnie : What was that? Oh My God! Elena are you okay?
Elena : It's okay I am fine..
Bonnie : It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.
Elena : Really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.
Bonnie : I predict this year is going to be a kick ass. I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond Happy.
'What does that mean?' was the question on everyone's mind and they glance at Elena and Bonnie, who are already looking at each other.
[ The Same crow is shown sitting on top of a road sign ]
Mystic Falls high school is shown.
[ Stefan is shown walking inside the School ]
Bonnie : Major lack of male real estate. Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beech. She looks like a hot - can I still say a ' Tranny Mess ' ?.
Elena : No, that's over.
Bonnie : Ahh, find a man , coin a phrase. It's a busy year.
[ Elena waves at Matt . He ignores her ]
Elena : He hates me.
Bonnie : That is not hate. " That is you dumped me but I am too cool to show it but secretly I am listening to air supply's greatest hits.."
" WHAT ???" Matt looked at Elena in disbelief as an expression of hurt and betrayal clouded his features, Elena didn't know what to say and couldn't meet his eyes. Though she had been thinking about this for a while now, still she cared for Matt and did not want to hurt him.
Their friends and family were looking in between them in confusion and shock.
[ Caroline approaches them ]
Caroline : Elena. Oh My God..
[ Caroline hugs her ]
Caroline : How are you? Oh! It's so good to see you. How is she? Is she good?
Caroline furrowed her brows sharing a look of awkwardness with Elena and Bonnie before she sighed in frustration.
"What is going on and why are 'they' not here?" Caroline asked.
"That is what we all want to know Care..." replied Bonnie.
Elena : Caroline , I am right here and I am fine, Thankyou.
Caroline : Really?
Elena : Yes
Caroline : Oh, You poor thing.
[ Caroline hugs her again ]
Elena : Okay, Caroline.
Caroline : Oh! Okay then. Bonnie hey have you talked to Grace?
Bonnie : Yeah, I just spoke to her this morning on a video call with Granny Mon and Grams. What about Sel? Did you speak to her?
Caroline : Yeah, of course I did and I really miss her but you know what, she is coming back soon, all of them are...
" Yes, I really miss them especially Selena..." said Caroline excitedly as Liz and her shared a smile. Bonnie also nodded Sharing a look with Monica and Sheila.
Bonnie : I know right, I can't wait.
[ They both smile excitedly at each other and Elena is seen rolling her eyes in the background ]
People narrow their eyes at that and give Elena a questioning glance, which she ignores with an innocent smile.
Caroline : Okay then. See you guys later
Bonnie : Okay. Bye!
Elena: No comment.
"Hey?" Says Caroline.
" I am sorry Caroline" says Elena.
Bonnie : I am not going to say anything.
Elena : Soo, They are coming back?
Bonnie : Yeah, It will be so nice to have them back right. I am so excited..
[ Elena looks uninterested ]
Elena : Yeah , yeah right...
" Is everything okay Elena? " Asks Monica.
" Yes of course " she replies with a forced smile.
Outside the School..
Jeremy : Don't take more than two in a six - hour window.
[ Vicki takes the pills ]
Tyler : I knew I'd find you hear with the crackheads.
Vicki : Hey Tyler, hey Pete Wentz called, he wants his nail polish back
The adults had their eyes narrowed at the scene and were glancing in between the teens.
Jeremy : Pete Wentz huh! How old school T.R.L. of you. Carson Daly fan?
Tyler : Shut up! Before I kick your ass
Vicki : Oh. Ty be nice. That's Elena's little brother.
Tyler : I know who he is. I'll still kick his ass
[ Vicki , Tyler kiss]
Matt was giving a look to both of them. Whereas, Richard and Carol looked furious and gave Tyler a hard glare. Grayson and Miranda also gave Tyler and Vicki a warning look and Jeremy a disapproving one.
In the School Office
Secretary : Your records are incomplete. You're missing immunization records and we do insisit on transcripts.
Stefan : Please look again, I am sure everything you need is there..
[ He compels (mind controls) her ]
Secretary : Well you are right. So it is.
The humans gave Stefan a shocked and weary look...
Outside the school office
[ Elena and Bonnie look at stefan's back ]
Bonnie : I'm sensing Seattle and he plays a guitar.
Elena : You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground huh?
" She is not a psychic darling, she is a witch..." Kol said to Elena and she looks down blushing at that making some roll their eyes and Kol scowled at the blushing Doppelganger and shared a disgusted look with Rebekah.
Bonnie : Pretty Much..
Boy : Jeremy good batch, man.
Elena : I'll be right back
[ Bonnie turns back to Stefan and mutters not knowing he is listening to them ]
Bonnie : Please be hot..
Chuckles were heard and Stefan smirks at Bonnie making her blush and look away.
[ Elena enters the Boy's Washroom ]
Boy : Woah pants down, Chick!
[ Elena grabs Jeremy's face, looking into his eyes to see if he's high]
Elena : Great it's the first day of school and you are stoned..
Jeremy : No, I'm not.
Elena : Where is it? Is it on you?
Jeremy : Stop alright! You need to chill your self, alright!
Grayson , Miranda , Jenna and John frowns and look at Jeremy and Elena.
"What is going on? What is the meaning of this Jeremy? Elena?..." asked Grayson.
" And where are we?" Asks Miranda.
Elena : Chill myself? What is those Stoner talk? Dude, you are so cool..
Jeremy: Look, stop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy?
Elena : You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy! I gave you a summer pass, but I am done watching you destroy yourself. No, no, no, you know what? Go ahead. Keep it up but just you know that I am going to be there to ruin your buzz everytime, you got it? Jeremy, I know who you are and it's not this person. So don't be this person.
Jeremy : I don't need this and stop trying to control my life. I am grieving and this is my way of grieving. It's better if I talk to Grace at least she understands me...
[ Hearing Jeremy mentioned Grace's name Elena glared hard at him but Jeremy simply leaves. ]
Everyone frowns at the scene.
"What is going on? Why are you two acting like this?" asked Miranda but did not get any reply since Elena and Jeremy were busy glaring at each other.
" I know I have no right to speak in between siblings and it is wrong for your brother to treat you like this but you are acting like his mother rather than understanding him like a sibling" comments Alexander in his deep accent and immediately Elena starts blushing and stuttering seeing the man who looks like a Greek God talking to her.
Katherine silently scoffs but stiffens when she felt the eyes of The Originals all staring at her with different expressions. Though the Originals weren't the only one, The Salvatore brothers too had their eyes on Katherine and Elena.
Outside the boys bathroom
[ Stefan and Elena collide ]
Stefan : Uh.. Pardon me. Um.. is this the men's room?
Elena : Yes. um, I was just, I-i was just - it's a long story...
[ Elena smiles sheepishly and tries to pass and Stefan makes way for her ]
Elena : Thankyou!
In the history class
Tanner: Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union.
He continues talking..
[ Elena and Stefan exchange looks ]
Bonnie ( Texts to Elena ) : HAWT - ESTARING @ U.
[ Matt is seen looking sad at Bonnie's text and at Elena and Stefan who keep exchanging looks]
Even now Matt is looking in between Elena and Stefan. Elena gives him a sad smile which he ignores and Vicki is seen looking angry, glaring at Elena.
[ Elena then looks at Stefan seeing him looking at her smiles and looks at the front again.]
John and Grayson narrow their eyes and glare at Stefan along with Katherine glaring at Elena. Whereas Elena blushes along with Stefan
Outside the school
[ Jeremy is seen calling someone and the phone is answered ]
Unknown : Hello... { A melodious voice is heard}
Jeremy : Hey, Gracie
Grace : Jerry Hey, How are you? Is everything okay?..
Jeremy : I am fine Gracie. I just, i just miss you..
Grace : Aww Jerry I miss you too darling. So tell me how is it going? Today is the first day right?
Elena glares at Jeremy through the corner of her eyes which The Originals and Katherine did not miss making them interested.
Jeremy : It would have been fine if Elena did not interrupt it with her constant nagging. Why can't she understand that I am grieving as well and i do not like to write my feelings in a diary and this is my way of grieving...
Grace : Jeremy, calm down. Look, I understand but you also need to understand that she is your sister and she cares for you. Yes, your way of grieving is different than hers but she is only trying to look out for you...
Elena's glare softened a little as she stared at the screen with an unfathomable look.
Jeremy : I just need her to leave me alone and i am not getting high or stoned now as you made me promise but she still thinks I am stoned.
Grace : Okay good, I am happy that you have kept your promise and you know what just try to be patient with your sister and also remember I am always there for you. ALWAYS! Just let me know if you need anything, okay kiddo? I need to go now. But take care of yourself, Jenna and also Elena, okay? Bye. Love you!!
Jeremy : Yes, Thankyou for making my day better and you also take care of yourself. Love you too...
[ Jeremy ends the calls and smiles then walks away ]
Many people smile at this conversation and the Vampires especially the Original family felt a pang in their chest seeing that bond.
Elena was seen looking annoyed and kept glaring at nothing while Jeremy and Bonnie had a wide smile on their faces.
Miranda and Grayson gave Monica a grateful smile to which she smiled at them.
Cemetry is shown
[ Elena is seen walking in the cemetery and writing her diary ]
The Mystic crew exchange nervous looks and glance at the Gilbert Family and Elena , Jeremy look worried.
Elena : Dear diary, I made it through the day. I must have said, "I'm fine, thanks," at least thirty-seven times. And I didn't mean it once. But no one noticed. When someone asks, "How are you?" They really don't want an answer.
[A crow appears on her parents grave stone.]
Loud gasps and yells fill the room. Elena and Jeremy let out a loud cry and ran to hug their parents while Jenna is frozen and a tear slid down her eye while John is looking shocked and sad.
Everyone gives the family sad and pitying looks. Caroline and bonnie hugs Elena. Tyler, Matt and Vicki give Jeremy sad look. While Grayson and Miranda are shocked but sigh silently accepting their fate. They are just sad that they are not there for their children anymore...
The screen is temporarily paused and people move away to give the family some time..
After some tears, yelling and comfort they all get ready to watch again..
Hello fellow story enthusiasts! Join me on this literary adventure because your curiosity is the key to unlock the magic within my stories, and together, let's traverse the realms of emotions, dreams, and untold wonders. Thank you for considering my books, I can't wait for you to dive into the realms I've crafted. Happy reading!
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