The Mikaelsons

Everybody knows the story of the Mikaelsons, that there were seven mikaelson siblings. NO, there were eight and in this story we are going to know about him.

In the haunting realm of supernatural legends, a name echoes with a chilling resonance, Alexander Mikaelson. A shiver courses through every creature's spine at the mere utterance of his name. To those who knew him, the very essence of Alexander was a riddle wrapped in an enigma, a mystery that defied unraveling. He stood as the most feared among the illustrious Originals, eclipsing even the notorious Klaus.

Within the inner sanctum of the Mikaelson family, his siblings and even the formidable Mikael himself quivered in fear at the mention of Alexander. Legends whispered that not even the Devil could rival this enigmatic figure. His power, an inferno that outshone the stars, rendered his kin feeble in comparison.

But it wasn't just raw power that defined Alexander Mikaelson, it was the inscrutable aura that cloaked him in an impenetrable mystique. He was the first love of many woman and men, supernatural or not but He held dominion over the hearts of two powerful entities, Katerina Petrova (Pierce) and Aurelia de Martel...

As the years unfolded, the legend of Alexander grew darker, transforming him into a figure of unparalleled dread. A moniker emerged, whispered in hushed tones, 'The Darkling.' His mere name had become an omen, an eldritch invocation that could induce a heart attack in the bravest souls. His elusive nature added to the myth, as if finding his shadow were a feat as insurmountable as capturing the essence of his very being.

And Why is that he is so feared you ask?

In the shadowed history of the Mikaelson family, where the lineage of immortals forged a tapestry of both light and darkness.

Alexander Mikaelson emerged as a figure of unparalleled complexity. Born the twin brother of Kol Mikaelson, their entwined destinies played out against the backdrop of familial bonds that transcended the boundaries of mortality.

In the days when humanity still coursed through their veins, it was Alexander who assumed the mantle of protector, a guardian in the tumultuous Mikaelson household.

A beacon of support for each sibling, he was the one who shielded Klaus from the wrath of their father Mikael, who shared moments of camaraderie with Henrik, bringing gifts that adorned Rebekah's world, and offering solace to their mother. The tendrils of his understanding reached into the very essence of Elijah, and he comprehended Finn in ways only a brother could, he could. Alexander was the one upon whom Mikael showered his favor, a recognition of the latent power that resonated within him.

Yet, the extraordinary tale of Alexander extended beyond the familial bonds and into the arcane realm of magic. A warlock in tandem with his brother Kol, Alexander possessed a natural affinity for the mystic arts.

His magical prowess surpassed even the formidable Esther, and whispers among the supernatural denizens likened his abilities to those of his aunt, the master of dark arts, Dahlia.

In the arcane dance of spells and incantations, Alexander was unparalleled, effortlessly wielding the forces of magic that mirrored the enigmatic strength of Dahlia herself.

While Kol, too, possessed formidable power, it paled in comparison to the prowess that Alexander effortlessly wielded. As the elder twin, he shared an unspoken understanding and love with Kol and also Niklaus, binding them all together in a fraternity that transcended the constraints of immortality.

His love extended tenderly toward Rebekah and Henrik, the youngest of the siblings, perhaps a shade more, as they embodied the innocence and vulnerability within the brood.

Life unfolded in the embrace of familial unity, and Alexander's proficiency extended beyond the profound into the realms of combat and weaponry, skills that earned him the approval of Mikael.

Amidst the tempest of supernatural existence, Alexander stood as a stalwart figure, a guardian of the Mikaelson legacy.

Life was good but as they say not everything remains good forever.

the threads of fate intertwined with the strands of sorrow and betrayal, the tragic tale of Henrik unfolded as a somber prelude to the dark symphony that was the Mikaelson family. His demise cast a chilling pall over the dynasty, a portent of the hardships that awaited the immortal siblings.

Esther, the matriarch, guided by Mikael's directive, wove a curse that bound Klaus's werewolf side, a malevolent enchantment that would forever alter the course of their existence. The twins, forcefully turned into vampires by the hands of their own parents, Kol and Alexander felt the cruel severance of their magical essence.

In this perverse twist of destiny, magic slipped through their fingers like sand, leaving them bereft of a vital part of themselves. The vibrant currents of power that once coursed through their veins were now but echoes, shadows of a time when they were more than immortal creatures damned by a curse.

Esther's betrayal, her transgressions against Mikael, had unforgiving consequences, and the repercussions reverberated through the Mikaelson lineage.

Klaus, once considered a brother, now emerged as a half-sibling, the fruit of Esther's indiscretion.

In the aftermath of these infernal machinations, a storm of rage and vengeance erupted within the Mikaelson household. Mikael, in a fury that mirrored the tempest within his heart, decimated the werewolf pack. Niklaus, in a tragic twist, turned on his mother, claiming her life in a misguided act of retribution, the blame laid at Mikael's feet.

The siblings, their familial ties strained yet unbroken, took to the night, compelled by a solemn pact uttered amidst the ashes of betrayalโ€”'Always and Forever.'

Alexander, too, bore witness to the cascade of tragedy, entwined in the vow that bound the Mikaelsons together.

The echoes of his arcane heritage silenced, his powers eclipsed by the darkness that now cloaked their existence, he ventured forth into the uncertain night, shackled by the weight of promises forged in blood and etched in the annals of an immortal family's legacy.

So when Mikael turned against his children and vowed to kill Niklaus, they ran, and kept running and hiding for centuries.

Alexander has always been the mediator, the peacemaker and the favorite sibling. He always kept his siblings safe even fought with his father, Mikael but couldn't kill him as Mikael had a White Oak Stake in his possession.

Yet, the passage of time wore away at Alexander's humanity, eroding the edges of empathy and understanding. Klaus, once a brother he loved with a fierce loyalty, succumbed to the ravages of rage and paranoia. Dagger by dagger, sibling by sibling, Klaus, in a maddened spiral, silenced the voices that could quell his tumultuous soul. Alexander, torn between loyalty and an escalating inner turmoil, witnessed the desolation of his family.

This led to Alexander's Rage and he went on a killing spree killing Werewolves , Witches , Humans , Vampires everyone in sight to make them feel his pain.

He loved Klaus a lot and understood him but Klaus had lost his senses.

Alexander tried to make him understand even tried to remove the dagger but couldn't when Klaus and Elijah, driven by their own motives, attempted to dagger him after Kol and Finn.

After this betrayal, Alexander became an unstoppable force. Devoid of magic yet endowed with newfound strength, he became an entity not even Klaus or Mikael could subdue.

The love for his siblings, a flickering flame amidst the darkness, was the anchor that tethered Alexander to the realm of humanity. However, this was the last straw.

He has lost his magic but he gained more strength which made him more faster and stronger than his siblings as he was a very powerful warlock and such power does not go to waste.

And this power was also the reason behind the tension in between the Mikaelson Twins. Kol who had been more connected and depended on his magical side was envious to see Alexander having some part of their past, their human side, their magic with him while he, Kol had nothing except their cursed existence and siblings that ignored him and his struggles.

His twin, Alexander was a constant in his life, in all of their siblings life and that too irritated him for he did not like his twin prioritizing anyone else and especially after knowing Alexander wasn't daggered and still did not free him had also caused many misunderstandings.

This tension was not only hurting the twins but also the other siblings.

When the winds of betrayal and familial discord swept through the Mikaelson household, not many could stand against Alexander. Even his formidable siblings, Klaus and Elijah, found themselves at the mercy of his strength and resilience.

When the daggers threatened to pierce his immortal form, Alexander resisted with a ferocity and retaliated against his brothers in a brutal way and left without turning back.

Departing from his siblings, he maintained a silent vigil, keeping in touch with Rebekah, the one constant in the ever-shifting Mikaelson dynamics. The threads of familial ties, once strained, were rewoven when Klaus and Elijah, in their quest for power and dominion, undaggered Kol. A reunion ensued, and the Mikaelsons established a new haven in the mystical heart of New Orleans.

The siblings were back together except Finn but still the tension did not dissipate.

Mikael finding them, Rebekah and Kol once again daggered, Elijah lost after fighting Mikael and Alexander had also left but after saving Marcel, the kid his brother had adopted.

In his time in New Orleans, Alexander had always maintained a distance from Marcel not because he did not like kids or anything but after Henrik, Alexander never interacted with a child again but he has always kept an eye on him.

He had accepted Marcel into the family after he saw a glimpse of the old Klaus in him and when Klaus was finally acting mature and Rebekah had fallen in love with him. Though his twin was as always behaving like a spoiled brat, Marcel was a Mikaelson.

And now years later the siblings are no longer together...

Klaus finding ways to break his curse and Elijah finding ways to kill klaus in an impression that he threw their siblings in the ocean. He tried to contact Alexander but Alexander did not reply. He knew that was not the truth, Alexander always knew.

So he simply waited and saw the drama unfold and now that all the siblings are re -united, alive, daggered, dead, lost, shits about to go down...

With him finding love in a girl who will turn his world upside down. The girl who is his lost humanity and he is willing to do anything and everything for her but what about the girl? Will she accept him? Will she be able to accept the feared DARKLING ?

Let's see what happens now?...

Author's Note

Hello everyone I hope you all are doing good. Another update and i wish you like it..

Alexander Mikaelson is an imaginary charector I have created and I mean it will be so much fun to have a person who even Mikael can't best and I loved the idea of Ben Barnes as Alexander Mikaelson..

So let me know what do you think about this chapter and the new character!!

Have a nice day..


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Mahek Motwani

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