The Beginning

The beginning of the end..

MONICA KAPOOR and SHEILA BENNETT have been friends since they were 10 years old. Monica had just shifted to Mystic Falls with her family from India and as the Bennett's and Kapoor's have been alies, they met through their families. Since then they have been practicing and learning their magic together forming an amazing bond which their granddaughters will also continue..

The Bennett-Kapoor alliance isn't just a mystical partnership, it's a lineage of magical prowess passed down through the years. Together, Monica and Sheila embarked on a journey of shared magical exploration and practice, crafting a bond so profound that it would echo through the corridors of time, shaping the destinies of their granddaughters.

As time passed, Sheila gave birth to a daughter Abby, a formidable witch in her own right, and Monica had a son, Karan, Both Abby and Karan like their mother's fostered a great friendship.

However, the passage of time ushered in changes, and Abby's journey led her to marriage and motherhood with Bonnie. Meanwhile, Karan's pursuit of knowledge took him to the bustling streets of New York, where fate would introduce him to Maria White, a woman of unparalleled beauty.

Their love story unfolded against the backdrop of the city that never sleeps, resulting in a passionate encounter that left Maria with an unexpected gift—Grace. What Karan remained blissfully unaware of was Maria's celestial origin—she was an angel sent to Earth on a divine mission. Fate, however, wove a different tale, entwining her heart with Karan's. As the inevitable call back to heaven beckoned, Maria revealed the truth to Karan.

Anger, betrayal, and heartbreak consumed Karan, but amid the storm of emotions, he held onto his responsibilities. Maria, before returning to the celestial realms, made a solemn promise to their daughter Grace—a promise of eternal guardianship and a pledge to reunite when the stars aligned.

Returning to Mystic Falls, Karan shared the intricacies of their extraordinary family with Monica and Sheila, unraveling the delicate tapestry that bound Grace—an angel-witch hybrid, a convergence of celestial and arcane powers. A child barely two years old, yet brimming with magical potential, Grace exhibited the signs of her Kapoor and angelic lineage. Her uniqueness was further accentuated by her status as a Hedge Witch.

A HEDGE WITCH : It is a a kind of a Witch who has her own power, Magic and do not need the Ancestors or Nature for it. They have healing capabilities as well. Grace was a Hedge Witch, who are very rare. Only two Hedge Witches have been born in two Thousands years and both of them in the Kapoor Coven only but Grace is more powerful than both of them.

For this reason she needed to be more careful and protected as this makes her the most powerful witch and she can even compare to The Chaos Witch considering her Angel side.

The Kapoor Witches blood is important and many other witches try to have it as it is seen as a pure witch blood which can help the witches to boost their rituals and powers.

Only 2 line of witches have this blood and power: The Kapoor's and The Oberoi's. The most powerful line of witches to ever exist as they both were blessed by The Lord Shiva and Mother Nature and Magic themselves..

Everything was fine as Grace and Bonnie were best friends almost sisters as expected but one night when Grace was 11 years old Karan died in a car crash, leaving her and trusting Monica to protect her.

DURING an investigation in Georgia, Liz Forbes stumbled upon a distressed 5-year-old child covered in dirt and tears. Upon inquiring about her name and origins, the child revealed herself as Selena Rhea Silvers.

Little did anyone know that Selena was not just any child; she was the Werewolf Princess destined to reclaim her crown.

In dire straits and with no place to go, Liz adopted and brought her to Mystic Falls, officially becoming Selena Rhea Silvers Forbes.

Liz took her to Mystic Falls and when Caroline got to know she had a new sister she was over the moon. Selena found a supportive sister in Caroline, their bond growing strong despite not sharing blood ties. While Stella's connection with Bill Forbes remained amicable, it soured after his departure, leaving a strained relationship between them.

What people did not know that Selena was not only the Werewolf Princess but also The Chaos Witch, The Scarlet Witch. Her mother being the only witch with power of a thousand witches and Selena being the daughter of The Werewolf King and Most Powerful Witch, two of the most powerful supernatural creature's makes her the most powerful supernatural being to walk earth...

A SCARLET WITCH: A scarlet witch is known to be a sorceress, it is known that a scarlet witch is born after every two thousand years. Their magic is known to be the most chaotic, powerful and pure. Their power is incomparable and they have no limitations to any type of magic nor are they connected to the ancestors or mother magic/nature.

THE D'ABLAZE family was one of the founding families of Mystic Falls but they did not necessarily stay there.

Arabella D'Ablaze, a mere 5 years old, witnessed the family's permanent relocation to Mystic Falls under the guidance of her mother, the remarkably beautiful and powerful witch, Evelyn D'Ablaze.

Evelyn's decision to return to Mystic Falls stemmed from a deep-seated concern for her daughter's safety. As the D'Ablaze were the leaders of their coven and obviously one of the most known names in the supernatural world along with The Bennett's , The Oberoi's and The Kapoor's, the presence of such powerful allies added an extra layer of protection to Arabella's existence.

Arabella, being a Witch-Demon hybrid, possessed an extraordinary blend of powers, rendering her one of the most formidable supernatural beings.

Arabella's origin was intertwined with a love story and a twist of fate. Evelyn had met Arabella's father, Steven Black, during his earthly mission. Their passionate encounter resulted in Arabella's conception. However, the transient nature of Steven's demon status meant he couldn't stay, leaving Evelyn alone and heartbroken, armed only with a letter explaining the circumstances.

Evelyn's unwavering love for her daughter deepened as Arabella grew, but the looming threat of discovery emerged when Arabella turned 5. News spread of a witch-demon hybrid, prompting Evelyn to make a crucial decision to relocate to Mystic Falls for the safety of her exceptional daughter. Yet, Arabella's uniqueness didn't end with being a Witch-Demon hybrid, she belonged to the rare lineage of a Gray Witch and this set a higher target on Arabella.

A GRAY WITCH : It's is a kind of witch who has the power to access both White and Black magic easily and not get affected by the consequences. Gray Witches are also Rare and found only in the D'Ablaze Coven. This put Arabella in more danger as it only boosted her power making her one of the most powerful witch Along with The Scarlett Witch, The Hedge Witch and The Elemental Witch.

In the transformative year of 1950, the OBEROI'S sought refuge in Mystic Falls, seeking solace and protection after their coven faced a perilous assault by power-hungry witches. The malevolent intentions aimed to exploit their bloodline for sacrificial rituals, mirroring the threats that the Kapoor Coven had resisted earlier.

Though the Kapoor's stood resilient, the Oberoi's chose a different path, with some casualties but many fleeing and finding sanctuary in different parts of the world while the coven leader of the Oberoi Clan sought the supernatural haven of Mystic Falls.

Within this protective realm, where the Bennett's, Kapoor's, and D'Ablaze rested, Sharad Oberoi had a daughter named Maya and a friendship blossomed between Maya, Abby Bennett, and Karan Kapoor.

However, Maya's journey took her to California for work, where fate intertwined her life with the Royal Werewolf Beta, Zach Rivers. Love bloomed, leading to their union in marriage and the birth of a unique child named Ophelia.

Amidst the serenity of their lives, tragedy struck on the very night Selena faced her profound loss. Ophelia, who shared the same age as Selena, experienced a parallel anguish—losing everything dear to her.

In a protective response, Maya and Zach orchestrated Ophelia's journey to her grandfather Sharad in Mystic Falls, ensuring her safety but that was not all Ophelia was different she was an Elemental Witch.

Ophelia's uniqueness extended beyond her dual heritage as a Witch-Werewolf Hybrid, she also bore the rare distinction of being an Elemental Witch.

Blessed with control over all four elements—Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. Ophelia became a living conduit of nature's forces, marking her as an extraordinary and powerful supernatural being

ELEMENTAL WITCH : Witches who can control the elements - Fire, Water, wind, earth. Normally, a witch can control one or rarely two elements but Ophelia was different as she could control all four elements making her the second one in a thousand years to have such power. Which also made her one of the most powerful witches and also put her in danger. Luckily she was brought safely to Mystic Falls and was protected.

A story of...

Three of the most powerful supernatural beings and one who is the most powerful creature on earth.

Four powerful beings who have faced tragedy and are connected to eachother...

Four lost souls who will find family in one another and complete their legacy,  finding love, friendship, betrayals, etc.

Let's see if they come out victorious or not?..

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Mahek Motwani

Hello fellow story enthusiasts! Join me on this literary adventure because your curiosity is the key to unlock the magic within my stories, and together, let's traverse the realms of emotions, dreams, and untold wonders. Thank you for considering my books, I can't wait for you to dive into the realms I've crafted. Happy reading!